Russian Resistance: Civil anti-war forum in Germany /
zivilgesellschaftliches Forum pro-demokratischer Initiativen in Deutschland

~ Stand with Ukraine! Stop Kremlin-propaganda! Deputinize Russia! ~
15/16 October 2022, Panda Platforma, Berlin

Dear friends,

Demokrati-JA invites you to the first congress of civil pro-democratic and pro-European organizations and initiatives of the community of Russians and people associated with Russia in Germany.

The long-term goal of our mutual work is to create a strong civil society of Russians and citizens of other countries connected to Russia and its culture in Germany.

Together with our like-minded people we strive to create such a society not only in Germany, where we are directly located, but also in other countries and, of course, in Russia itself, where our relatives and friends live, and where some of us are going to return one day.

We are creating a global civil society united by common values.

The immediate goals of the Berlin Congress:


9:30 Opening

09:45 Values and communication (solidarity, empathy, responsibility, fight with imperialism, importance of forming a civil society)

Moderator -  Elena Sergeeva (Demokrati-JA)

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Problems of Putinism in Germany and Europe

Moderator - Lisa Wolfson (Demokrati-JA)

12:45 Lunch

13:30 Support of Ukraine and anti-war cooperation (what various anti-war initiatives in Russia are doing and how we can help them)

Moderator -  Elena Sergeeva (Demokrati-JA)

14:50  Lobbying of anti-Putin, pro-democratic and pro-European agenda by Russians in Germany; political and media representation of our civil society, which does not accept the criminal war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine - how to make us visible and significant? Gathering ideas for a manifesto.

Moderators - Elizaveta Shlosberg (Allianz für ein freiheitlich-demokratisches Russland in Nürnberg) и Lisa Wolfson (Demokrati-JA)

16:15 Coffee break

16:30 Building connections and improving interaction between new and old waves of immigration

Moderator - Elena Gaeva (Demokrati-JA)


09:45 Relocation assistance: cooperation between initiatives // common problems, common successes // challenges to announced mobilization // lessons learned: what needs to be improved

Модератор - Dasha Dudley (Demokrati-JA)

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Creation of an infrastructure for the interaction of  "intra-German" initiatives - a round table discussion based on the model of participatory democracy;

Moderator - Alexandra Zakieva (Stop Dictators HD / Demokrati-JA)

13:30 Closing 



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